Cheatsheet for Web Dev


Tag Name Description
<table> Table The table element is used to create a table. The contents of the table are written out row by row.
<thead> Table Head The heading of the table should sit inside the thead element.
<tbody> Table Body The body should sit inside the tbody element.
<tr> Table Row The table row container followed by a td tag.
<td> Table Data The data inside each row is inputted into the td tag.
<tfoot> Table Foot The set of rows defining the footer in a table.
<colspan> Spanning columns The colspan attribute indicates how many colums that cell should run across.
<rowspan> Spanning rows The rowspan indicates how many rows a cell should span down the table.

HTML Basics

Tag Name Description
<html> HTML Defines the root of an HTML document.
<body> Body Defines the document's body.
<head> Head A container for all the head elements.
<h1> to <h6> Headings Defines HTML headings. Upto 1 to 6 headings.
<p> paragraphs To create a paragraph within the webpage.

Input Types

Type= Description
Text Single-line text input field
Password Password field; hides inputted text with dots
Submit Defines a button for submitting form data
Reset Defines a button for resetting all form values to default
Radio Allows a user to select one of given choices
checkbox Allows a user to select zero or multiple of given choices
Button Defines a button; if used with onclick="alert(' ')" displays text on user's screen
Date Used for fields that contain a date
Datetime-local Specifies a date and time input field with no time zone
Email Used for fields that should contain an email address
File Defines a file-select field and a "browse" buton for file uploads
Number Defines a numeric input field
Month, week Allows user to select month and year or week and year
Search Used for search fields
Tel Used for input fields that should contain a telephone number
Time Allows user to select a time
Url Used for input fields that should contain a url address